Let me try this again. I lost my reply when I hit the watch post for replies.
I voted no. I have 2 planes and one transmitter on 2.4, a Park Zone P-51 and Sukhoi Su-26 micro. I have plenty of others on 27 and 72. I have had almost no radio related troubles since 1962 except:
2 in-flight battery failures.
one failed switch
one failed crystal socket.
A number of metal-to-metal issues
Three cases of interference from other radios on the freq I was using.
One untraceable sudden loss of range.
Two cases of image interference.
Lost one battery when it fell out during a split S.
Two servo failures.
One Electrolytic capacitor failure in a transmitter.
2 gimbal failures.
One reciever capacitor failure on the ground during taxi.
One reciever failure because of picking up water into the fuse during taxi.
Flyaways because I forgot to rewind escapement rubber.
Lots of dumb-thumbing, even though Im a pincher.
This includes flying with the old Super Regerative recievers.
And, I've seen two cases of swamping because of reflections, once with an old Sampey 404 getting too close to a radio tower around 1964, and more recently at our field, on channel 46 FM only when the operators of a nieghboring land fill left a crane on the property line with the boom up. No problem on my 46 AM.
Besides, I'm newly retired, and immediately replacing my current equipment with perhaps 2 transmitters an 12 to 15 recievers doesn't make any economic sense. And to me, computer radios are more work than their worth.