Has anyone been proactive to look into a plot of unused ground across the street..from the SEPULVEDA BASIN SPORTS COMPLEX... just West of the Lake Balboa Rec Center? Is this Fed property...aka Corps of Engineers? I'm guessing YES as its a water basin "park" (conservation area). How much $ has the club vested in the original field?.... :) I'm guessing very little if its COE managed public lands. Is anyone in club associated with your County Commissioners? Your Senator is your short pathway to using the COE managed property. The water park has already had an environmenal impact study filed with the COE... :^)
How far in advance do you have to apply for a meeting with your County Commissioner's Court? ;^)
SCH Number: 2006061103 Lead Agency: City of Los Angeles Document Title: Sepulveda Basin Sports Complex (W.O. E170217B) Document Type: NEG - Negative Declaration Received: 6/21/2006 Present Land Use: Open Space & Public Facility In Sepulvada Flood Control Basin/ Recreation Area (owned by US Army Corps, leased by City of LA) probably for consideration of(1) $1.00. Document Description:
The project would include four youth/teen softball fields, one synthetic soccer field, open multiple-purpose fields, picnic areas, a planted riparian buffer along the Los Angeles River, and a walking trail throughout the site. There would be a small support building (2,000 sqft) to house park staff and public restrooms as well as a parking lot for approx. 400 vehicles.
__________________ Ed