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Boeing  Site Supporter
Joined: February/15/2021
Canada Posts: 6 IP Logged
Posted: September/27/2023 at 10:29pm |
Just finished a scratch build Nick Ziroli Fokker Dr 1. Instead of the typical Red Baron paint scheme I went for something different.
It is powered with a DLE35. Covered with Koveral fabric. Normally paint with epoxy or dope. But for the first time tried Latex paint and have to say I am pleased with the results. The black half moon shape housing above the engine contains lead shot mixed with epoxy, for cg weight. This unit can be easily changed for different weights.
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duzall  Site Supporter
Joined: May/16/2006
New Zealand Posts: 131 IP Logged
Posted: September/27/2023 at 11:33pm |
Looks great, love the paint. Has it flown yet?
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Teus  Lifetime Site Supporter
Dutch Dawn Patrol
Joined: December/09/2006
Netherlands Posts: 3803 IP Logged
Posted: September/28/2023 at 12:48am |
Great plane and very nice colors and details
Only thing missing is a nice dummy engine upfront to fill the empty cowl as seen by many DR-1’s…… Are you planning to do one, looks so much better.
__________________ Teus
Building board:
Nieuport-11 + rotary engine
1/4 Proctor Fokker E.III
1/3rd Fokker D-VII
1/3rd Nieuport-11
In maintenance:
a 1982 Busa build 1/3rd Sopwith Pup
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NOI53Y  Moderator Group
Joined: January/11/2012
Australia Posts: 2262 IP Logged
Posted: September/28/2023 at 6:54am |
That looks awesome but where's the build thread You can't deny us a good build thread 
__________________ Glenn Ryan
Currently flying - A bunch of stuff
Currently building - BUSA 1/4 Scale Pup
Future build - Now that's a good question haha
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Sparky  Lifetime Site Supporter
Head Curmudgeon
Joined: February/10/2004
United States Posts: 7493 IP Logged
Posted: September/28/2023 at 8:02am |
Make sure you put a pilot in the cockpit before you fly. Ghost airplanes make me nervous
Looking great!
__________________ Brown County, Indiana
TopRC FW-190, Zenoah GT-80
Bates F6F Hellcat, Saito FG60-R3
Gamma RIP
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Boeing  Site Supporter
Joined: February/15/2021
Canada Posts: 6 IP Logged
Posted: September/28/2023 at 11:57am |
Hello everyone, thank you for the comments. I will bulk answer them, the photos are not in the best order. Still trying to get the hang of posting.
Hope to maiden the Fokker within the next week or so. Need to run and setup the engine etc. As for a dummy engine, it is on my to do list after the maiden.
I wish I had taken more photos during the build, I have a few. As for a future build thread, I am scratch building a PL-12 Airtruk and have been taken a lot of build photos and will be posting that project soon. I can not agree more with Sparky, every one of my planes have a pilot, and an instrument panel.How else would they be able to fly :) Rick
I have a 3d printer and make most of the components to build a pilot.
Building a headset
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Sparky  Lifetime Site Supporter
Head Curmudgeon
Joined: February/10/2004
United States Posts: 7493 IP Logged
Posted: September/28/2023 at 10:49pm |
Its unfortunate that a scale cockpit gets covered up with a pilot.
Yours is very well done.
__________________ Brown County, Indiana
TopRC FW-190, Zenoah GT-80
Bates F6F Hellcat, Saito FG60-R3
Gamma RIP
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NOI53Y  Moderator Group
Joined: January/11/2012
Australia Posts: 2262 IP Logged
Posted: September/30/2023 at 6:59am |
Awesome stuff. It looks like you have some great builds there. You should stick around and share a little haha.
What did the DR1 end up weighing?
__________________ Glenn Ryan
Currently flying - A bunch of stuff
Currently building - BUSA 1/4 Scale Pup
Future build - Now that's a good question haha
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