Hi everybody, here is my Caudron, finally finished!
Project started on 2014, by hand drawing the plans, with various sources, like the Williams Bros 1/32 scale plastic model, with has been completed that past winter.
In 2015, plans have been completed, and I've started with the stab, and let it alone for...9 years!!!
Last fall, I decided it was too long and gave a big go on it.
She's been maidened on Aug 3rd that present year, and...WHAT A RIDE!!! I had a handfull!
extremely nose heavy, aggravated with that loooong nose full of fuel. Anyway, with help of a club member who was manipulating the elev trim, I was able to "fly" her home safely. With empty tank, she was better.
So back to the shop: some weight added in the tail, exponential in ailerons and rudder(super senitive), and voilĂ ! a brand new different plane, which flies perfectly!
So it is NOT a C-450, like the landing gear would tell, but a C-460, with retractable L.G., but for the race, the pneumatic L.G. was faulty, and they just locked it in open position, with planks of painted plywood to cover the wheel wells!
The two pictures above show my "fuel-waste-less-system" , and shows radio switch(black), and ignition switch.(blue-cold, red-hot)
all flying surfaces received a piano wire as an axle.
Under the stabilizer, there is an access panel, to check the rudder and elevator control, and also this where I've put the weight into that area.
I've cheated with the skid: replaced with a steerable tail wheell. Works flawlessly.
Covering with Park lite Oracover(for the weight of it!), upper and lower cowl, as well as sides are fiber glass cloth on balsa, primed, painted, and varnished(Top Flite fuel proof rattle can).
Tail cone is removable for rudder control and tail wheel maintenance, There is no detailed cockpit for 2 reasons: 1-weight, and 2-you don't see anything with that tiny little canopy! So Buzz Lightning it is LOL!
That's right what they say: when you watch it on the ramp, she looks like she's already at 200mph!
Still have to deal with those markings on the tail. I will probably go wit Callie Graphics.
hi Nathan, thanks to chime in, sorry I didn't see your post earlier; The plans were hand drawn, with many corrections, and a lot of mods were made to accommodate to real life...(you know: you design something, thinking it's good, and..it does not always work! )
so, no sale for that! If usefull info, I almost just copied the real structure from the real one, easier to my opinion :)
After several flights, I am very happy with it: easy take-offs and slow and stable landings, no tendency for tip stall, despite the small wing tips. In flight stability is absolutely neutral, engine power is perfect, scale speed. Can't wait for warm days to come!
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