roup), the guys who bring you the annual AMA Scale NATS, host the NASA Scale Classic, and conduct the U.S.A. FAI F4 Team Qualifier to represent the United States at the FAI World Scale going on the road... and we want to bring you along with us.
.................................Westward Ho!................................

Blue pins represent NASA membership locations and NASA-AMA Sportsman Sport Scale / Pro-Am Contests. Heavily embedded in the East...expanding West...AKA Westward Ho ;^)
NASA is looking for AMA Club fields west of Dallas, TX. to host regional AMA scale contests in sections W1 and W2 of the above map. If the information below sounds like something your club would be interested in discussing further you can send me a PM or an email to Tim Dickey ( Chair NASA Westward Expansion Committee.
.................• Goals are to strengthen existing AMA-NASA regional contests and to grow new ones
.................• Conduct A Western-US NASA Championship beginning in 2025
.................• AMA rules offer the classic classes inclusive of all model types
.................• Flexible options for today’s Clubs & modelers include:
...........................o Only 2 of 4 flight rounds are required enabling single day contests
...........................o Club specific classes (ex: EDF, electric, jet, WW1, WW2, flight only, etc.)
...........................o Combined fly-in & scale model competition format available
.................• Introductory “Lite Contest” option
...........................o Goal is to gauge Club interest in a full AMA-NASA contest
...........................o Target 5-10 participants
...........................o Classes defined by the Club’s interest
...........................o NASA supplies up to 3 plaque awards
...........................o Club signs up new NASA members
What We Do
Facilitate the friendly sport of Scale RC & CL aeromodelling nationwide
................• Partner with AMA clubs to host scale model contests – currently sponsor 13 contests each year
................• Yearly NASA Championships, manage the US Nationals Championships (NATS) and US Team Trials for World Championships
................• Publish bi-monthly newsletter to the membership
How We Do It
Partnering with AMA support groups & Clubs
................• Utilize rules defined by AMA Contest Board with representatives from each AMA district
................• Contest sponsorships & grants – Clubs are eligible for $500 grant per AMA-NASA contest
................• Robust offering of aeromodelling & contest collateral
....Ask below... :)