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Posted: January/01/2025 at 10:52am  Quote
Happy New Year to you all!

There are a lot of new things coming up in 2025 for RCSB Subscribers! Look forward to more special offers from vendors, contests, and occasional drawings throughout the year as our supporting vendors step up and help us keep our community THE source for R/C Scale building around the world.

What are your modeling goals for 2025? Have you thought about that? I didn't get a lot of building done this last year due to other obligations (this site being one of those), but this year I want to finish up a few things and start a new project.

I would love to hear from you guys in this thread as to what your hobby goals are in 2015. So do a quick post and let me know what your hobby goals are for this year and let's all make them happen!

A couple of quick items...

1. The 2025 1st Quarter Vendor guide is posted and available. Of course you can find it by clicking on [Site Supporter] then [Vendor Resource Guide] on the site menu. Or, if you are a Site Supporter, just click here.

2. There will be a server maintenance window this month as I need to do some system level updates. I will let you folks know several days ahead of time of when the site will be down. I will try my best to schedule it during a low traffic time.

3. In case you didn't know, we are back on Facebook! Since Meta has tightened up their privacy policies, I have reestablished a presence there for RCSB. If you are a Facebook member you can follow us there by clicking here.

That's it for this month... We have a great supportive community here that is like no other on the internet. I hope you enjoy the site as much as all the great moderators and admins enjoy bringing it to you. I hope 2025 will be your best hobby year yet!


Mike Chilson,
RCSB Owner/Founder
My R/C Scale Aircraft Over The Years
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Avatar User Offline thebluemax
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Posted: January/01/2025 at 11:15am  Quote
Happy New Year to all as well.   

I too have not spent much time this year either at the field or in the shop.  Between TFR's, lousy weather, and other issues, like doctor appointments, I haven't done much at all.  But one thing I am going to do starting today is spend at least one hour a day in the shop, no matter what.  Could end up being more but at least one hour for sure.   With a new president coming in this month, the TFR's should stop and other than bad weather and other issues I hope to get in some good stick time.

A bad day of R/C beats a good day of everything else.

Mullica Hill, NJ 08062
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Avatar User Offline bhouin
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Posted: January/02/2025 at 11:12am  Quote
Happy New Year!

I plan to finish moving into my new shop now that Kristi and I are moved into TN from MI.  I am also planning to complete and maiden my SPM T-34C and do a lot more flying and hopefully start a new build.  Looking forward to what the year will bring.

Bob Houin
Milford, MI
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Avatar User Offline Planecrazy200
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Posted: January/02/2025 at 1:44pm  Quote
Happy New Year to all! Well 2023 and 24 were all about getting our new home in NC to where we wanted it to be and joining a new club. We added a bonus room above the garage (my caves/shop) and with that installed A/C, heat and dehumidifying ductless units in both plus ceiling fans and LED lighting in the shop. Then we moved onto have our deck converted into a screened in porch followed by removing and replacing just about every plant in the yard and flower beds. Added a few small flowering trees, white river rock around everything. Oh yes, I chipped away at completing my shop build out, storage issues and squeezed in the start to repair the planes the movers damaged and added a few new pcs of equipment and managed a few new kits. After tomorrow mornings exam I will finally get the full days of shop time I desperately need. Look for pictures of this 40lbs stuffed into a 5lb space and the start of new projects. Will not bore you with the repairs and struggling on deciding what to build and document on the site that is not run of the mill. There will be 2 scratch builds, a jet or two and some enlarged existing kits. Being consider are. Royal Cessna 500 enlarged to 120" span, A Grumman Hawkeye at the same size, Aerotetris Learjet, M Frankle RA5 Vigilante, 1/3 Monocoupe 90A, Royal Cessna 206 enlarged, G Miller all wood A10 to 120". Some of these are being transferred to wood and cut into kits this week/weekend so hold and circle for a while! My goals for 2025/ Build build build fly fly and build some more and share with this great site and its contributors!

Never made a mistake that a block of balsa or a sanding block couldn't fix!

Built...still counting! Let you know when I retire.
Building H421-C,YZero,FWTA-154
Next Up Macchi 202,R C500 enlg,125"
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