Thank you Mike for a fantastic site of communication from which we can get never ending knowledge from all those incredible builders out there who participate and help the new Guys like me, many thanks to the builders. Merry Christmas to everyone and best of the New Year 2014, this site has truly inspired my love for building Aircraft and learning how to detail, it has been the uplift in my retirement of just over a year and the fact that we can talk to each other all over the world is outstanding. May Santa fly your way with a new toy or 2, or 3. ( I asked for a P-47 Razor back ) fingers crossed. Rick
__________________ Rick
-building Zir AT6
-Flying: P51 MKII, Ultimate Bi-plane, Ex 300, Beaver
- Complete P-47 Razor back
- Working on H9 Corsair 60 cc ARF with all the goods
- SBach 33%
- Scale Chipmunk