I love to build, but struggle to do the finish work, like painting and detailing. So After 35 years of serious scale building, I have many planes in various states of finish. Depends on what era and what plane I'm in the mood to pursue, is what gets me going.
In the WWI planes I am currently finishing up an Aviatik DII, new build. I started this last November. I'm doing major rebuilds on a Roland C2 and Bristol Scout C. I am also working into the rotation a partially finished Nieuport 28 and Halberstadt DII that are long range goals. These are all 1/6 scale and scratch built.
WWII planes are my second love and I am about to paint a Brain Taylor plan Hawker Typhoon 1/5 scale. Also in the near paint stage is a highly modified Hanger9 P40 that I have converted to a P36. I am very near finishing the rebuild on a Wing Mfg. 96" B17. I only have to cover the fuselage and paint. I hope to have this ready by Springtime.
Your right, it is constant upkeep, but with many a backup plane, there is no big rush and I can work at whatever speed I feel up to.
__________________ A real plane has two wings and a round motor....