I think some may have missed the original intent of your question. I don't think anyone would dispute that there is a need for the occasional ARF or RTF, most likely, just about everyone has one for one reason or another. We can probably blame ourselves for starting this craze as it was started by Jim Walker; American Junior Aircraft back in the early 1950s with the Firebaby.049 Control Line Model. Even Jim Walker never intended these ARFS to be the only means of flying; they were just a quick Expendable way of generating interest to move on to actual building of models.
I disagree with the notion that because of ARFS, we now have good quality inexpensive servos, engines and other things available to us now. If anything, the quality has gone downhill, has anyone looked inside of some of the newer radios and actually taken a good look at the way theyre put together. Compared to earlier Radios like Kraft, all I can say is, What Quality? All of the bits and pieces we see today were developed by companies like Du-Bro, Sullivan, and Goldberg etc. etc. because modelers BUILDING planes demonstrated a need for them; it certainly was not a result of ARFS because their own copies of these products were already in the ARF kit. In My opinion, the quality of Radios, Engines and other model related products has not gone up one bit in the last 15 Years. On the other hand, the skills required to Build the average Model have certainly gone down.
Im thankful for a site like RCSB that puts BUILDERS and those who want to Learn how to BUILD together with each other. These skills can then be passed on to future generations who will share their Learned Knowledge with others, just as earlier generations taught us.
Eric, Hang in there, there are still plenty of Models to build and this is a good site to find them along with the products needed to build them. Whatever youre looking for, Im sure someone will be able to tell you where to obtain it. These are simply my own opinions and I certainly hope I have not offended anyone by responding to Erics question.
Have a Great Day Everyone.
John E.