An aside, my first submission to IMAA for our local fly-in was somewhere in '90 or '91. All submitted photos had to be black and white with photo data on the back. Ever try to find B/W film much less, someone to develop it? My local photo dealer would not develop the prints as it cost too much for him to mix the chemicals and do just 20 or so photos. So...he sent them off to the only place in SC (Columbia) and wait until enough film was gathered to make it all worth while. So, I missed the deadline for that quarterly issue but it made the next. With the advent of internet, no more printing up hundreds of handbills and window posters advertising up coming events. $10 to IMAA would garner address labels to attach to any mailings to IMAA members. Times have changed and with the proliferation of ARFs , so has the hobby. Time really has improved the system as the last submission (2013 Fall Issue) was all completed here at my computer desk from my digital camera. Cool that. Ray W.