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Avatar User Offline J_Whitney
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Posted: February/25/2017 at 5:16pm  Quote
I have a 1/4 scale venturi for sale at Shapeways:  LINK

These venturis were common on 30's, 40's and 50's aircraft.  They were used to pull a vacuum to power some flight instruments.  I volunteer at Oakland Aviation Museum and was able to borrow one to measure and model.

Here are the results:

(the airplane these are for has 2 venturis, one for each cockpit)

Front view

The actual size is just a tad over 2-1/2"

They will take a little clean up but will look super on your Golden Age airplane!

Castro Valley, CA
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Avatar User Offline Chad Veich
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Posted: February/25/2017 at 5:30pm  Quote
Looks good Jeff and thanks for sharing.  For those who are willing to spend more money in exchange for less clean up I would suggest checking out the Frosted Detail plastic material offered by Shapeways.  It has a significantly better surface finish than either the Strong and Flexible plastic or the Hi-Def Acrylate in my experience.  Although it does still have some faceting on cylindrical parts such as this.  On all of the materials I have found the best way to smooth the surface is with several heavy applications of primer with sanding between coats.  My .02 cents worth anyway! 

Chad Veich
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Posted: February/25/2017 at 6:41pm  Quote
If that was 1/5 or 1/6 Id be all over these! Why cant they scale it down? I should think a few keystrokes would change the scale.
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Avatar User Offline J_Whitney
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Posted: February/25/2017 at 7:05pm  Quote
There is a minimum wall thickness of 0.7 mm.  It looks good at this size, but I think if I scale it down it would be too thick looking.  I will redraw it to take into account the scale factor and put it up on shapeways, but not guarantee how it would look - you can be the guinea pig?

Castro Valley, CA
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Avatar User Offline J_Whitney
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Posted: February/25/2017 at 7:23pm  Quote
Quote: Chad Veich
Looks good Jeff and thanks for sharing.  For those who are willing to spend more money in exchange for less clean up I would suggest checking out the Frosted Detail plastic material offered by Shapeways.  It has a significantly better surface finish than either the Strong and Flexible plastic or the Hi-Def Acrylate in my experience.  Although it does still have some faceting on cylindrical parts such as this.  On all of the materials I have found the best way to smooth the surface is with several heavy applications of primer with sanding between coats.  My .02 cents worth anyway! 

Thanks Chad!  I know you have a lot of experience with Shapeways, your advice is appreciated.

Castro Valley, CA
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Posted: February/25/2017 at 7:45pm  Quote
yep one 1/6 scale venturi Fun to mess with it will go on my Gamma.
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Avatar User Offline J_Whitney
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Posted: February/25/2017 at 8:27pm  Quote
I'll do her Sparky, but I don't think you will be that happy with the results.  Maybe using the Frosted as Chad advised above it will be OK.

Castro Valley, CA
The essential paradox of our democracy is that our warriors fight and die for our right to dispute the cause for which they are fighting and dying.
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Avatar User Offline Chad Veich
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Posted: February/25/2017 at 8:56pm  Quote
The minimum supported wall thickness for the Frosted Detail plastic is .3mm Jeff so you could probably get away with just scaling down your current design.  Scaling from 1/4 scale down to 1/6 scale still yields a .46mm wall thickness assuming you are starting with a .7mm wall.  Also, I've often used the "Print it Anyway" option when their were red flags and more often than not Shapeways has been able to successfully print those items.  As you would expect they tend to err on the side of caution when setting up their guidelines.

Chad Veich
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