If you have any interest in the North African or Mediterranean theatre of World War II, the Italian planes are sorely missing.
Model Airplane News has the C.200 plan and Nigel is doing wonders with the Don Smith S.79 plan, but the Macchi C.202 and Fiat CR.42 are strangely absent. The Macchi C.202 is considered Italy's best fighter and the CR.42 even flew combat missions over England during the Battle of Britain. Brrr.
An interesting bit of trivia: credit for the term "Axis" goes to Benito Mussolini who, following a speech on the historic Italo-German Agreement reached on October 26, 1936, stated, "This Berlin-Rome vertical line in not an obstacle but rather an axis around which can revolve all those European states with a will to collaboration and peace." Japan didn't become the third major axis power until September 1940.