Hi f rom North Idaho, USA My name is Leroy, I'm a native of the great North West born and raised in Spokane, WA. My love of planes started at an early age, 7 if I remember right, building and painting plastic models of WW11, went to stick and silk span models at around 11. I remember hours spent at a friends house building models together, rubber power first, gliders and then the free flights with those Cox .049 engines, I thought those were the days back then. As the story goes there comes the time to further your education, I chose Airframe & Engine school in 1959 and certified in 2 years along with learning to fly, it was a blast. I worked with mostly small craft and many old military conversions to civilian planes and got to fly a lot of them trading labor for hours in the plane. For 4.5 yrs. I worked in aircraft but there wasn't much money in it so I took up steel and aluminum fabrication, I was a very good welder of both. My uncle was big in the EAA and I built frame work for his designs, loved doing that. Long story short I got a lot of training along the years and certified in several fields in the fabrication and repair trades all of which has helped me getting back in RC 10 yrs. ago. I started with an Eagle11 trainer and then jumped in with both feet with the TF 1/5 scale P-51 gold kit, I went the limit for a sport scale mustang and was tagged as a master builder by those who have seen it. I don't buy anything I can build myself, scale prop, sliding canopy. cockpit interior and a base coat clear coat automotive polished paint job. I built it just to prove to myself I could. It was followed with a fully modified Tiger 60 and a fuselage modified Sig 1/4 scale spacewalker 11. I'm presently building a BALSA USA 1/4 scale J3 into a super cub here on RCSB, it has turned into quite the project for these old hands of mine, I should go resize a couple of pictures of the mustang and spacewalker. Leroy
This is how I spend my winter months these days.
__________________ 1/5 TF mustang
Sig 1/4 spacewalker'
Balsa 1/4 scale super cub
If your build turns into a night mare you better wake up