Greetings all,
Not a lot to cover this month. I hope all of you are proceeding on your projects as we start the countdown to springtime here in the Northern Hemisphere. The days are getting longer and before you know it it will be flying season. Just a couple of reminders.
1. US Modelers, don't forget you need to register with the FAA by February 19th. The cost is $5.00 and you can register on-line here. Regardless if you agree with this or not this is a requirement issued by the FAA and if you do not register you are possibly exposing yourself up to a $27,500 fine. Registering doesn't mean we are going to stop fighting this! Also, please do not post your "opinion" about about this here on RCSB. Soap-boxing is against the rules and not in the spirit of this site. There are many other sites to do that on.
2. Be sure and check out the updated FAQ on the site menu. We have added more common issue and some short videos and we will continue to upload more as time allows. The FAQ is a great place to check for common user questions and issues.
3. Hey, if you take Model Aviation Magazine check out Stan Alexander's Scale column this month. Stan did a great write up about RCSB and hopefully this will get to some of the folks who still don't know about our great community!

That is it for this month. Hope you all have a great productive month modeling.
Cheers, Mike
__________________ Mike Chilson,
RCSB Owner/Founder
My R/C Scale Aircraft Over The Years