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Posted: 01/February/2018 at 7:12am  Quote
Greetings fellow RCSBer's! I hope everyone has recovered fully from the holidays and back in their shops as we here in the northern hemisphere are inching toward another flying season. Hopefully, our fellow modeler's below the equator are having a great flying season.

Just a couple of short items to cover this month.

1. NEW RCSB LIVE CHAT - I deployed the new chat room (you can get to it by clicking on [Community] then [Live Chat Room] on the site menu) last month. This one much more stable and offers many more features the previous chat room had. It's a great place to drop in and say hi to some of your fellow modelers. I know there are a few in there during the day so drop in and say hi.

2. VALID EMAIL ADDRESS - Please go to your user profile by clicking on [My Profile] on the site menu and then click the "Edit Profile" link and make sure your email address is current and valid. Due to a high number of bouncing email addresses, starting in March the system will lock your account if more than five emails bounce to your email address. I hate to do this but many of you have forgotten about keeping an updated valid email is a requirement for your membership. It only takes a minute to do and I will even do it for you if you will email me with your username and an updated email address. Many thanks.

3. 3D PARTS REPOSITORY - If you have never checked out of repository of 3D objects that you can print on a 3D printer you should! Even if you don't own a printer there are online services that will print the item(s) for you for a reasonable charge. Also, if you have any items you would like to contribute to the 3D repository please shoot me a PM or email and let me know. Site Supporters can find the repository by clicking on [Site Supporter] then [3D Parts Repository] on the site menu.

That's all for this month. I hope you all have a great February. Try and get some modeling done when you can. it's a great way to unwind after a long day! 

Mike Chilson,
RCSB Owner/Founder
My R/C Scale Aircraft Over The Years
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