Good morning. You flew escort to a Russian Bear? Wow. I've seen some YouTube videos of various Bears being escorted and even saw close ups of some of their crew waving (I think it was the tail gunner). Was this "intercept" a friendly or routine one? You just absolutely HAD to be excited to be escorting that plane. I know I would be. Were you flying the Intruder? Please let us know.
I'll definitely be watching your build. I'd be very curious to see how the landing gear (the boggie set up and the gear doors) and contra-rotating propeller mechanisms work out.
I've seen some posts of contra-rotating propellers on the Westland Wyvern and other models but I'd be curious as to your approach. No doubt a lot of machining would have to be done. That alone is way above my pay grade (living in apartment). How large is your Bear going to be at 1/8 scale? Fowler flaps? Do you have plans for the airliner version as well? Just curious.
As I mentioned previously, it was the fastest turboprop airliner/bomber in the world at that time with its swept back wings and tail surfaces.
Gary (Skye)