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rosssnapon56  Site Supporter
Hobby Guy
Joined: September/28/2024
United States Posts: 18 IP Logged
Posted: September/28/2024 at 10:48pm |
Hi there everyone , I'm 68 here's old and i use to build and fly planes in the 70,80 and 90s , then I started back last year and now I'm planning on getting back to building again ,. Now I'm finding out that a lot of place's has gone out of business . I love 4 stroke engine and I like to use slimline mufflers , now they are out of business, now I guess i need to use 2 stroke gas engines, so i could use some help from some of you builders, now I want to build ww1 and ww2 planes, and use gas engines , so like I said i could use some help, thankyou for your time
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Admin  Admin Group
RCSB Owner/Founder
Joined: July/22/2003
United States Posts: 5599 IP Logged
Posted: September/28/2024 at 11:53pm |
Welcome Ross,
Yes things have definitely changed in the last 20-30 years. A little tip about forums... When you post a open ended question like "i could use some help from some of you builders" You probably won't get much of a response to your question as no one knows exactly what you are asking help about. It is better to be very specific like you did in your post asking about 1/7th scale drop tanks for your P-47 project. Just goes to show we are all learning every day. 
__________________ Mike Chilson,
RCSB Owner/Founder
My R/C Scale Aircraft Over The Years
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Cessna340  Lifetime Site Supporter
Joined: April/10/2021
United States Posts: 194 IP Logged
Posted: October/01/2024 at 8:25pm |
Welcome back. I also took a twenty-year break. All my radios were obsolete. They still work and were all narrow banded but the 2.4 radios are better. I've converted several of my old glow engine planes to electric and that works out very well. I also fly gas 26cc-60cc, and on 60cc I have an on-board starter. My hand held starter won't crank the 60cc very well and my arm isn't much better. I have not went back to any glow planes and probably won't.
__________________ John-Las Vegas NV
Building: Hostettler Pietenpol
Flying:Taylorcraft 1/4 scale(My Dad bought NC96308 new)
Red box warbirds
Sig 1/4 scale Cub
Sig Citabria
Sig 1/4 Cub
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Karl_A  Lifetime Site Supporter
Joined: October/20/2022
United States Posts: 30 IP Logged
Posted: October/01/2024 at 9:20pm |
Both Saito and OS are making gas 4 strokes
Saito and OS at Tower
There are other gas 4 strokes available as well.
Go to the Kits Forum on this website, pick a plane and an engine and post asking how that combination would work.
If you're lucky you might get a reply from someone who has actually build that plane and flown it with that engine.
In the meantime it might be good to go to a local club swap meet and buy something similar to the plane you want to fly to get current again.
Welcome and Good Luck!
__________________ Silicon Valley, USA
BH Corsair, Pica 1/5 Spitfire, numerous smaller wood & foamies
Swing Stellar RS, Moyes Gecko
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p51a  Site Supporter
Joined: July/29/2011
United States Posts: 640 IP Logged
Posted: October/03/2024 at 11:35am |
Ross, welcome to the site. You'll find a lot to look at here. Changes happen and they sure happened to model aviation. I too went through a bunch of power options during which e-power became available. It was a great fit to my old "stick and tissue" experience. Anyway, welcome. Fred
__________________ Scratched P-51A, B-25C/D, Raiden, Oscar, Great lakes Trainer
BT F6F-3, Mk IA (2 of them), Mosquito IVB
Lighter's better.
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Skyediamonds  Site Supporter
Joined: April/03/2018
United States Posts: 2704 IP Logged
Posted: October/04/2024 at 7:26pm |
I join the choir in welcoming you to this site. As Mike suggested in your open ended question to be more specific in your needs, but we all pitch in & offer what we have & know.
We also have a wealth of documentation of real aircraft, vendors to provide you with a wide diversity of accessories & many friendly members to help.
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